Welcome to Lucario.info!

What is Lucario.info?

Lucario.info is the place for all things Lucario, and more! Find information about the awesome Pokemon here, in addition to a lot of other stuff, like tutorials and *totally* educational non-Lucario content.


Client Data!

April 20, 2014, 9:53 pm

I've written a little simple tool to fetch connection data from PHP's vairables, and there's a little Javascript there, too, which can check your Flash and Java versions as well.

Check it out here!

(Wonder why HTTPS is listed twice? That's no error- it checks to see if you're going through an unencrypted proxy or someone is using a tool like SSLStrip to intercept your communications. Either way, it indicates if your connection is being tampered with, and if so, you should almost definitely stop using that internet connection, since someone is probably stealing your passwords.)

The Infamous Heartbleed Bug

April 10, 2014, 5:08 pm
The unofficial Heartbleed symbol

Genesect has revealed a hole Parasect (or some other fiend) had created in OpenSSL-secured websites that exploits its heartbeat to feed off of sensitive server data. If you haven't heard about it, it's a big deal on the internet right now.

Because of this, all encryption on this server has been re-keyed and the hole patched (I actually did this two days ago, but was too lazy to report it). Although there are no known attempts to extract this site's keys, go ahead and change your password if you think your connections might have been compromised.

Lucario's in Super Smash Bros. 4!

February 3, 2014, 3:47 pm
GRAH! I'm back!

Sakurai's done it! Lucario's back for another round of Smash in SSB4, and Mewtwo fans can do nothing about it! *laughs maniacally*

Aura Sphere size comparison (Well, this text was suprisingly tame)

According to Sakurai, Lucario's Aura mechanic has been amplified- We've increased the influence of his Aura this time, so a damaged Lucario is truly a force to be reckoned with.

-which should make a fully charged Aura Sphere quite a sight!


User Portal Under Construction

November 7, 2013, 1:51 pm

It's on it's way, but when I finish writing it, it should feature a Friend Code Exchange, and some other things, once I think of them. Mainly, now, I'm just working on that.

See you soon!

Server Migration

October 10, 2013, 1:23 pm

If you're seeing this message, this means that you are now accessing the new website. Thanks, Amazon EC2 for all of your free stuff, but this is now on Microsoft Azure.

I guess you'll be able to see for yourself how Microsoft compares to Amazon!

Mega-Lucario Info!

August 22, 2013, 6:59 pm

There is now a page dedicated to information about the new form!

I'll be updating it as more information is released, but for now, check it out here!

A new news system... and a bunch more!

August 19, 2013, 10:28 pm

Well, the tools section is pretty much complete, so more of those will be uploaded shortly!

Mainly, however, there have been a ton of things that have been going on behind the scenes. This "newslet" might not look any different, but instead of having to code a newslet myself, the database/PHP (If you don't know what that is, just think of it as the computer) will generate the code for me once I enter in the data, just like how I did it in the tools section (Well, close to what I did there, but that's another matter). More stuff will be up soon!

Renewed SSL Cert

June 24, 2013, 4:00 am

Sorry about throwing those security errors! The SSL certificate has been renewed with GeoTrust now, so secure browsing should no longer throw those annoying security exceptions.

Much more to come!

First Tutorial!

May 13, 2013, 4:00 am

Well, I've finally finished the first tutorial, about converting MIDI's to MP3 properly.

Find it here!

Being Stealthy

May 1, 2013, 4:00 am

I'm not dead yet! In fact, far from it. There's a bunch of behind-the-scenes things going on for various projects. One of them is here; I've been having some fun with fake credit cards. Anyways, plenty of work still to do- see you later!

Website Security Test